Y hardd hwnBlwch Pecynnu Cosmetigi dynnu sylw at ansawdd uchel ac unigrywiaeth eich cynhyrchion cosmetig. Dyluniwyd pob manylyn yn ofalus i ddal y llygad. We are environmentally orientated and made from sustainable paper to reduce the negative impact on the environment. Mae'r blwch hwn nid yn unig yn brydferth, ond hefyd yn helpu i amddiffyn y ddaear. Supporting customization, you can choose from a variety of sizes, colour and printing options to meet your unique needs based on your brand or product requirements. This box is more than just a container, it can also carry your brand story, product information or instructions for use, providing your customers with more information. This carton is suitable for a wide range of cosmetic products, including lipsticks, eye shadows, foundations, perfumes and more. It adds a unique glamour to your products, making them more attractive. Choose it to inject more beauty and sustainability into your cosmetics.
Pris ffob : Anfonwch fwy o fanylion atom i gael dyfynbris cywir
Taliad: L / C, T / T, Paypal
Amser Cyflenwi : 15-25 diwrnod ar ôl i adneuo a dylunio gael ei gadarnhau
Pacio : Wedi'i bacio gan gartonau allforio safonol neu yn unol â'ch gofynion